YUV is a color space typically used in video compression and broadcast television. It separates image luminance (Y) from chrominance (U and V), allowing for efficient encoding of color information.
This setup uses the YUV colorr space in Houdini, to create unique and visually compelling color compositions. The process involves scattering points, connecting them through geometric forms, and applying glassy materials to highlight color transitions. This method showcases Houdini's powerful procedural capabilities and the creative potential of working within different color spaces.
YUV is a color space typically used in video compression and broadcast television. It separates image luminance (Y) from chrominance (U and V), allowing for efficient encoding of color information.
This setup uses the YUV colorr space in Houdini, to create unique and visually compelling color compositions. The process involves scattering points, connecting them through geometric forms, and applying glassy materials to highlight color transitions. This method showcases Houdini's powerful procedural capabilities and the creative potential of working within different color spaces.